Reply to post: Re: Slightly inflated cost estimate here?

IT plonker stuffed 'destructive' logic bomb into US Army servers in contract revenge attack


Re: Slightly inflated cost estimate here?

You also haven't taken into account the fact they wouldn't have know what/how many things were effected, I imagine this triggered a deep look into and at *everything with a plug on it*.

They will have been obliged, quite rightly, to check every switch,router,server,PC, SAN etc etc

New hardware will have been purchased, work will have been round the clock, so overtime/high rates. Suppliers to gov entities also always charge though the nose. After all the hoops they jumped through to get contracts, they tend to gouge to recover costs.

Tthen every single bit of software will have been checked out. The list goes on. It's the military, I doubt they just ran MBAM.exe on everything and called it a day.

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