Reply to post: Re: "They looked for the password on the CD . . ."

Sysadmin tells user CSI-style password guessing never w– wait WTF?! It's 'PASSWORD1'!

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: "They looked for the password on the CD . . ."

"Totally bog standard, and when you generate that type of certificate you MUST enter a password - admittedly the password can be a single character, but you do have to provide one......"

No you don't *have* to specify a password. Needing a password means that the certificate is encrypted and that can be removed or not even added in the first place. The -nodes in this command avoids encryption and generates a self signed certificate

$ openssl req -x509 -new -out cert.crt -keyout cert.key -nodes -days 365

I suspect that the implementation you use enforces passwords.

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