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Bill Gates says he'd do CTRL-ALT-DEL with one key if given the chance to go back through time

CrazyOldCatMan Silver badge

it was all that terrible that we ended up with Windows, Outlook, and Excel instead of OS/2, Lotus Notes, and Quattro Pro

Software would have been written to do an equivalent job regardless of the OS involved. So don't judge OS/2 by the fact that it didn't get Excel - if Windows hadn't come along then something very much like Excel would have arrived for OS/2. In fact, I seem to recall running StarOffice (grandaddy of LibreOffice) on my OS/2 box back in the 90's..

Excel and Outlook arrived on Windows (and *only* Windows until relatively recently) because they were written/bought/stolen by the company that owned Windows. Who then had a good monopoly reason for ensuring that other OS's didn't get a foothold.

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