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Bill Gates says he'd do CTRL-ALT-DEL with one key if given the chance to go back through time

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

"[...] go start a direct debit for 1/2% of you salary to a charity of your choice."

Much of the current starvation is down to political factors: poor governance; corruption; ideological wars; religious opposition to birth control; urbanisation. External food aid often undermines the local agricultural economy and adds to the problems.

Even in the UK a prospective leader of the Tory party has praised the need for local food banks as being a good thing. As a millionaire he can afford his religiously mandated large brood. Our local voluntary food bank is under increasing pressure - but what is surprising is that they say most of the needy families have 4+ children. Those children should not be allowed to suffer - but their parents seem to have been irresponsible.

Bill and Melissa Gates are at least focussing on reducing disease. Choose your charities with great care.

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