Reply to post: Re: "while in jail he had had a religious epiphany."

Inept bloke who tried to sell military sat secrets to Russia gets 5 years

James O'Shea

Re: "while in jail he had had a religious epiphany."

I'm reminded of the young miss who was sentenced to death for being an axe-murdering bitch. She allegedly came to Jesus while locked up, and appealed for clemency. Boy George Bush said 'no', despite the statements of support from all over (including il Papa, John Paul II) and so she got whacked by the Great State of Texas.

No, I don't believe that she was, ahem, 'born again'. I do believe that she was guilty as charged (in large part because she didn't deny it...) and was entirely deserving of getting a hot shot. (Actually, I'd have gone for the Traditional Texas Way: a rope and a horse. Cheaper and faster.) There may well have been a convict who actually did come to Jesus, but I have not seen even one such.

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