Reply to post: Re: Aaaand that's why I hate MAD.

RIP Stanislav Petrov: Russian colonel who saved world from all-out nuclear war

Paris Hilton

Re: Aaaand that's why I hate MAD.

>>"The mathematicians would be right, if confining their opinions to specific cases. Two plus two does equal four. [...] So I'm not sure about those mathematicians you're going to show me."

Aaaaaand that would be my point. I can find you mathematicians who believe there can be no error in their systems because mathematics can be absolute. You're entire post reads as if you've inverted my point and somehow concluded I'm saying there can be no errors. Especially when you start arguing that politicians are the most likely to think a system can be made foolproof. Please re-read, that is the very point I was making.

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