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IBM packs 120TB into a carry-on bag, for snow-balling cloud uploads


When I last used Aspera (some time ago admittedly) it speeded up the file transfers by things like using UDP and multiple streams, kind of like bittorrent for business. It works: with fast enough readers/writers at either end, it could saturate the link inbetween (where perhaps an FTP or equiv would see a very spiky use of the link). But it couldn't go faster than the underlying link capacity (e.g. there was no compression-type technology when I used it last).

A quick fag packet calc suggests 1TB could be transferred in 15 mins over a 10Gb link, if you could get 95% usage out of it; and 25TB in about 6 hours. Pretty reasonable! And faster than the 120TB bag of disk (especially considering you have to also transfer 120TB into and out of the bag, which would probably be the same sort of time as above I suppose). So if you have (or can afford!) a 10Gb link and use it with Aspera, that would probably be the fastest way.

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