Reply to post: Re: It's all just funny money

The architecture for sharing tokens across blockchains promises traction

Anonymous Coward

Re: It's all just funny money

I would say both go up and down at the whim of people. But it is who you trust.

In reality, Bitcoin and similar virtual currencies are no different from other saving/gift card/voucher schemes. Do you trust that M&S/Walmart voucher/gift card to work if those companies go bankrupt? Expect a refund?

Virtual currency is good while those in the group of making/using it are of the confidence someone will trade for it. After that point, it's less useful than real money, as that can be burnt or used as bog roll!

Mines the one with the receipt in the pocket, as I did not want to use the fiver when I was camping and caught short (I'll let you decide if it was to burn as tinder or use as bog roll ;) ).

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