Reply to post: Re: DougS, battery cases aren't the same.

Five ways Apple can fix the iPhone, but won't

Charles 9

Re: DougS, battery cases aren't the same.

Even putting aside the risk of thermal runaway, there's still the matter of wear and tear (not to mention bulging batteries, which bridges the two issues). Non-removable batteries smacks of lock-in, which is one big reason why my most sophisticated phone is a Samsung Note 4 (the LAST one to have a removable battery). I've switched out the battery twice already due to bulging (and the coincidental reduced charge capacity).

Just because there's a demand doesn't mean it'll be filled. If the supplier feels they can coerce the demand, they'll pull the supply graph away from the demand graph in hopes that it follows. Most people are dumb enough to do so, leaving the smart ones among us in the lurch.

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