Reply to post: Re: Water from comets or asteroids?

Signs of ground ice found on ancient protoplanet asteroid Vesta

Androgynous Cupboard Silver badge

Re: Water from comets or asteroids?

Estimated ass of the asteroid belt is about 3e21kg, 4% that of the moon. Mass of oceans is about 1.4e21 kg. If all the water turned up from asteroids, that's an awful lot of asteroids. Lets say they were 50% water back in the day, that's the entire volume of the current asteroid belt hitting us to supply enough water.

I have to admit when I started this reply I thought that was bollocks, but I suppose in a much lumpier early solar system those numbers aren't beyond belief. It would have made life on earth at the time a little awkward, glad I wasn't about.

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