Reply to post: Re: Oracle SPARC is dead ???

Looking forward to Solaris this year? Whomp-whomp. Check again in 2018

Anonymous Coward

Re: Oracle SPARC is dead ???

> They've started putting software accelerators in silicon on Sparc

You realize that on Linux Intel x86_64 this feature - namely CPU workload offloading - has been available for ... umm ... 7+ years?

You've heard of NVIDIA GPU's, CUDA and OpenCL, right? And you are aware that on Linux Intel GPU offloading is application-neutral, yes? Meaning it's not specific or limited, and locked-in, to the Oracle database. It can be accessed from OpenMP from example, without the need for calls to OpenCL.

Starting to think about workload offloading 7+ years after it's become mainstream on a competitor platform, and only for a very specific application - namely the Oracle database - is not a winning strategy. Too late.

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