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Google to kill its Drive file locker in two confusing ways

Blotto Silver badge
Paris Hilton

So what's in store for us non gsuite google drive users?

Is it still 15GB free usage?

Does backup and sync have new better features?

I'm just learning about this now, would be good for el reg to have a proper right up about it.

I'm going to have to google it now.



Now googled, I realise this article is like an advert selling the change. There will be no simple folder you dump stuff in, now you tell it which folders to sync which I guess are then viewable in the cloud, no idea how or if it copies that data to your other machine, how will it cope if the parent of the source folder does not exist on your other machine?

This will have big ramifications for some. I have scanners that automatically save to google drive, how will this work in future?

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