Reply to post: If it is in a database, they already have it

Wonder why Congress doesn't clamp down on its gung-ho spies? Well, wonder no more

Black Helicopters

If it is in a database, they already have it

Whether it is in your Equine-fux credit report or your child's report card, it is already known to your government masters and probably their enemy's files include it as well. All your Face-butt walls and comments, all your Gurgle searches and Gmail entries are also "out there" to be slurped by NSA, the Chi-coms, GHQ and the Russian FSB. Like Clapper, they all lie about having this.

What to do? You can 1) stop all this email and social media stuff amd disconnect or 2) enter multiple totally new and different identities for yourself to confuse the snoopers. In other words, deny them the data or put out an overwhelming amount of crap.

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