Reply to post: Re: Do Oracle fans exist?

Oracle staff report big layoffs across Solaris, SPARC teams

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Do Oracle fans exist?

I used to be one of the faithful, I still like the RDBMS product as it was where I learned my DBA craft almost 25 years ago but times change. PostgreSQL and dare I say it SQL Server, are now my favourites. I like how SQL Server throws almost everything in the box, unlike Oracle who would charge you to read the manuals given half the chance. Postgres is Oracle Lite, if you know Oracle and you're not too deeply tied into paying for Big Larry's latest mega toy, there's a good chance you could shift your Oracle stuff into a PostgreSQL cloud service and be shot of Oracle's nastiness.

My faith was lost with Oracle about 10 years ago the second I found out how vicious their revenue and auditing dept were when we slipped up, bent over a barrel doesn't describe the pain and humiliation they put our company through. A service enabled by default in their software, buried in software that has dozens of processes and services and a bill for £120k landed on our CFO's lap, combined with other shortfalls amounted to £800k+ payable ASAP. Safe to say both the CFO and the CEO were not best pleased with the DBA dept.

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