Reply to post: Re: Obession with (free) Wi-Fi

Connect at mine free Wi-Fi! I would knew what I is do! I is cafe boss!


Re: Obession with (free) Wi-Fi

But what happens to traffic generated before the VPN is established? Does it get routed insecurely, or is it blocked until the VPN is up?

That's the key.

I only want the VPN establishing traffic to leave my phone/tablet/laptop, unless I'm at home/work.

Have been using OpenVPN on my older (4.03!) tablet for a while, with the server on a Linux box. Quite easy to set up, appears to be fine security wise (and I hope someone can point out any issues). I have it doing cert-based authentication, and create a new cert for any new device. Couple with Pihole to help keep the nasties out.

I've just found and installed the "Automate" app (which is a free automation app for Android, makes it do things based on where it is and other stuff) and also a ".FLO" that automates the openvpn connection (brain not functioning enough this morning for me to create my own settings, but now I have a template I could do it for others). You will need to tell Automate to turn on at boot (under settings) and you still have to tell OpenVPN to connect (OpenVPN also has a checkbox for restarting on boot). But in my limited testing thus far, Automate may start automatically but if your WiFi is up before Automate then it may not bring up OpenVPN automatically.

This is all based on a few minutes of quick testing because I am yet to finish my 3rd coffee for the morning, thus my brain is only running at 3% capicity.

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