Reply to post: Re: people NATURALLY discriminate

Prejudiced humans = prejudiced algorithms, and it's not an easy fix

Intractable Potsherd

Re: people NATURALLY discriminate

Perhaps the word 'discriminate' isn't quite the right word to use... "

Actually, it is exactly the right word. What is being referred to in the article is *unfair* discrimination. We all discriminate with regard to people all the time - my experiences mean I'm likely to favour certain people than you would, for instance. The issue is how to separate these personal preferences so that people are not unfairly discriminated against. This, as mentioned, does cause a problem when building a team - someone with the best qualifications on paper, and then does well at interview might not "feel" right compared to someone who you know that would fit with the team, but has fewer qualifications. I end up being ambivalent about this - on the one hand, it leads to Oxbridge cronyism in high places, but, at the same time, I have been the beneficiary and the benefactor of this at various times.

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