Reply to post: Re The dog ate my passwords?

US government: We can jail you indefinitely for not decrypting your data

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re The dog ate my passwords?

These guys are Jokers, they're far too busy plotting ways around there own security mechanisms to see the real threat and I am of course talking about the threat from people at "" (Russians) busy submitting patches to the BSD and Linux kernel that bypass there security mechanisms altogether and they're even trying to disable the security aspects of MIT Kerberos and have it removed from Open Source altogether.

Then to make matters worse you've got the virtual pariah "Microsoft" trying to assist them with garbage like "Trusted Platform Module" & "System-D" which impacts everybody using Open Source.

Get your head out of the cloud and stop kissing "Donald Trumps" ass, especially when we all know he's been caught red handed "money laundering" and your too chicken shit to do anything about it. Instead worry about the security of your own systems before "Russia" makes you look like the complete novices & idiots that you genuinly are for a second time.

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