Reply to post: Re: What are lawmakers doing?

Ice-cold Kaspersky shows the industry how to handle patent trolls

phuzz Silver badge
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Re: What are lawmakers doing?

"Simple. Anyone that litigates patents... but hasn't implemented/manufactured/produced a single patented product."

So I invent a better kind of mousetrap, and patent it, but while I'm trying to get funding to build a factory, Evil corp reads my patent and starts making their own version. Under your definition of 'patent troll' I wouldn't be able to take them to court because I'd not actually produced anything (yet).

Of course, I could produce some handmade prototypes and claim them as 'products', but then so could a patent troll. (In this case Wetro Lan could have knocked up a box that "filter[ed] data packets by providing non-user-configurable authorization data", without actually selling it to anyone).

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