Reply to post: Re: This user has visited one or more of these sites today

Mozilla ponders making telemetry opt-out, 'cos hardly anyone opted in

Terry 6 Silver badge

Re: This user has visited one or more of these sites today

Yes, there's simple telemetry. For most people probably pretty reasonable that real-world problems are reported back to the developers automatically. There's performance telemetry, stuff like how the software performs under various conditions. Which might seem a bit to close to watching what we look at. And then there's plain spying on users. Unfortunately the various companies have chosen to use the first of these as a way to gain access to the third. Most aggressively, but at least openly Google, who supply genuinely no-cost software in exchange for this. Most egregiously Microsoft, who replaced ( upgraded arguably) for a "free" that excluded the possibility of not accepting it our existing ( and paid for if only indirectly) OS - and also charge for new retail copies - with an OS that claims to be collecting collecting telemetry, but is used to serve adverts built into the operating system of our computers.

Mozilla is approaching an edge that has been very blurred.

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