Reply to post: Re: Trump brings out the best in people

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Re: Trump brings out the best in people

> No matter what Trump says, he will be attacked. Seriously.

I seem to remember the same thing happening with conservatives v Obama.

Pretty sure it was actually a lot more out of proportion back then, given that the current POTUS is pandering to actual fucking nazis -- as opposed to, say, trying to provide basic healthcare for all citizens like literally every properly developed nation.

> If the Republicans acted this poorly to Obama, he would have played the race card.

They did. And he didn't.

> Granted Trump is like a dull tool that kinda gets the job done

What has he done, precisely? As far as I can tell, this administration has passed very little in the way of new legislation. Or, famously, even much repeal of previous legislation.

The only reason that there's any good news still in the economic stats is they're so unbelievably incompetent that they haven't been able to actually undo much of the progress made under Obama (who inherited the economic meltdown overseen by Bush Jr, although to be fair the reasons for it go back through Clinton, Bush Sr and Reagan.)

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