Reply to post: You know this is the Home Office

UK govt steams ahead with £5m facial recog system amid furore over innocents' mugshots

John Smith 19 Gold badge

You know this is the Home Office

"request can be turned down if it meets the highly ambiguous and vague standard that retention would serve "a policing purpose." The police themselves get to decide if that is the case."

Not to mention the HO's presumption of "Give us the tools and we'll do the job." Unfortunately in their view (and by "them" I mean the small cabal of senior level Sir Humphries, " and their willing tools, who are behind this) the job is having something so everyone can be locked up.

And the presumption is (and will continue to be) it's better to keep DNA/fingerprints/faces/blood/sweat/tears/whatever forever because to a data fetishist more data is always better

This is also probably related to the problems of setting up the Norther Irish /RoI border-that's-not-a-border-despite-them-being-in-different-customs-regimes. Apparently HMG reckon "technology" will deal with this.

I saw that thing "The Prisoner." I wonder how many of these people growing up saw that closing shot of Patrick McGoohan's facing hitting a set of iron bars and thought "One day all the UK will be like that."

Welcome to HMP UK.

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