Reply to post: Re: After so many version of Fedora that promised brtfs as the default filesystem

Red Hat banishes Btrfs from RHEL

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: After so many version of Fedora that promised brtfs as the default filesystem

Er, I think it was Google who aren't keen on it for its lack of encryption, not RedHat.

Stallman is going to blow a fuse if ZFS gets widely adopted.

This doesn't bode particularly well for the future of large scale GPL projects. Seems like more and more people are willing to mix code under different licenses even if they're incompatible. The allure of someone else's code can be too great to ignore. If the GPL is to remain influential, and not get routinely ignored, they need to get ZFS in Linux knocked on the head. If ZFS+Linux becomes the norm, unchallenged, it becomes harder to enforce GPL. Especially with court cases like Google vs Oracle which may yet pronounce on loosely similar copyright breaches being "fair use".

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