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WannaCry vanquisher Marcus Hutchins pleads not guilty to flogging banking trojan Kronos

AndrueC Silver badge

If you're wealthy you can pay to regain your freedom and if you aren't convicted it ultimately costs you nothing.

If you're an average Joe it costs you 10% of your bail to regain your freedom and you don't get it back. So that could be goodbye to all of your savings.

If you're poor then you're screwed. You just rot in Jail for as long as it takes the system to get around to to trying your case.

But it gets better. Even being arrested can screw you over. Even if the charges are dropped the arrest record still exists and can haunt you and continue to cause problems. You can have arrest records expunged in some states..for a price.

To be fair there are RoR schemes in most states and even schemes where the county or state will pay your bond for you. But I've always felt their whole system makes a sad mockery of 'The Land of the Free' :-/

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