Reply to post: Re: Off the leash

Can GCHQ order techies to work as govt snoops? Experts fear: 'Yes'


Re: Off the leash

"It is a way of saying, "OK, boys and girls, you are off the leash.""

I suspect you may be right about the intent of the law. The problem is that when it comes to laws, intent is ultimately irrelevant, all that matters is the exact words that are written. That's the entire basis of loopholes - even if everyone knows exactly what was intended, courts often have no option but to allow unintended behaviour because they can only go with the exact letter of the law. Throw in some deliberate ambiguity in case you decided to change your mind about the intent later, or rush it through without allowing proper scrutiny, and you can easily end up with a mess like this law where the original intent may well have been one thing, but no-one is entirely sure what the final wording actually means in practice.

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