Reply to post: Re: After reading the document...

Google's macho memo man fired, say reports


Re: After reading the document...

> Being a team player is seen as more important than genuine discussion.

Ah, that's why me saying "This will never work." hasn't furthered my career 8^)

> A voice from the back in strong Yorkshire accent then replied "Its only a bloody spreadsheet"

LOL. We once had a meeting (here in Germany) where one of our CxO guys was boo-ed out of the room, he actually ran out with a red face. Deservedly, I must add, his speech was straight from BrainfuckIstan.

US colleague to me: "Why isn't EVERYBODY fired?" Me: "German work laws are a bitch, with a 14-inch strap on."

To connect back to the article: that firing would be A LOT harder to do with reasonable work laws.

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