Reply to post: Re: Syn3rg Re: Gun range

WannaCry-killer Marcus Hutchins denies Feds' malware claims

Matt Bryant Silver badge

Re: Syn3rg Re: Gun range

" many opportunities would he have in the UK to visit a gun range?...." There are plenty of gun clubs still running ranges in the UK (indeed, the Houses of Parliament has its own!), but the continuous and clueless shrieking of the anti-gun crowd has made clubs very wary about advertising their existence. If you want to (and can afford to), you can even go to specialist ranges and fire large caliber rifles such as the Barrett .50 types, something that is illegal in California! What is impossible to do (without a specialist license) is shoot handguns as they are illegal in the UK, which is probably what Hutchins did when he went to the range in the US. Most people I know from the UK that have visited US ranges have wanted to shoot the Glock or Berettas pistols that are illegal for the general public to own and shoot in the UK.

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