Reply to post: Re: Old Fashioned values

Google diversity memo: Web giant repudiates staffer's screed for 'incorrect assumptions about gender'

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Old Fashioned values

"What ever happened to employing the best person for the job?"

Because more often than not "best person for the job" really means "someone that looks and sounds like me" which isn't very good for hiring the person who is actually the best fit for the job.

If you read through the 10 page rant that's exactly what this chap is arguing for. He's not just arguing against the promotion of equality and diversity, he is actively arguing that women and people from other cultures are biologically guaranteed to be worse at him at the job he does. Which is, frankly, prejudicial bullshit with no evidence behind it.

If he's not fired there will be a large number of googlers heading for the exit. It's one thing to bash overbearing HR-driven diversity campaigns, quite another to belittle anyone with a vagina or brownish skin.

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