Reply to post: Re: GPS ankle bracelets

WannaCry-killer Marcus Hutchins denies Feds' malware claims

Ben Tasker

Re: GPS ankle bracelets

> As I already posted, I can fool my GPS watch just fine. I have the tools, unlike the Drooling Fool whose Uncool Tools also Drool...

It'd be spectacularly unwise to do so, unless combined with scarpering out of the country. Not only is it a breach of bail conditions (welcome back to prison), but they tend to use it as an excuse to charge you additional 'administrative fees'.

The US is, for all intents and purposes, a corrupt state. As someone else noted above, many of the court ordered 'privileges' such as bail bracelets are non-optional and charged to you at extortionate rates (have a google for the racket involving drink drivers and in-car breathalysers). Even posting bail incurs (high) non-refundable costs.

Most of it isn't so much justice as naked profiteering to the benefit of the Justice Dept's chosen suppliers. That's not justice, it's extortion with a judicial veneer. Of course, before you even reach that point you've got to contend with the cops taking what they please and calling it civil forfeiture.

America, the country where bankruptcy can come as a result of getting ill, or having to defend false and flimst allegations in criminal court.

There are things in the US I'd like to have seen, but they're very firmly on my Do Not Visit list, and it's hard to forsee a future where that might change.

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