Reply to post: Re: It's quite simple don't blame the player, vote to change the game.

Google tracks what you spend offline to prove its online ads work. And privacy folks are furious


Re: It's quite simple don't blame the player, vote to change the game.

You must have missed the part where your retirement depends on investment returns ;-) Including that of investments run by your government on behalf of the general retiree pool, if you are not directly investing yourself.

Look, I am not claiming that corporations are snow-white. But the very notion of workers require the presence of employers. Who can't all be public sector and non-profit, otherwise, there'd be no tax revenue, would there? Corporations are one mechanism for ownership. They need not abuse the public any more than a private business owner is required to screw his employees, although the lack of individual responsibility does make it easier for them to act unethically if they don't run the risk of penalties.

Absolutist positions make it easy to ignore the need for reforms. Right now, at least in economies like the US, the UK and to a lesser extent Canada, it is acceptable for CEOs, not founders, to be remunerated in the tens of millions, 300x their average worker pay, whether or not their companies outperform their peers. That's because they have a huge say in how their pay package "needs to be competitive". Other market economies, esp in Scandinavia, tend to have a social contract that says "<5-10 M$ OK, but no more". That's already a heck of a lot, mind you, but nowhere as obscene as what we are seeing in some cases. Remember the post-bailout bank bonuses in the US, paid for by the taxpayer funded relief to failing banks? I do.

Sorry, but your baying at the moon ain't gonna convince too many lawmakers you have a valid point, dear ;-)

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