Reply to post: Re: Apple excels in iterative technical improvements, and marketing

New iPhone details leak: Yes, Apple is still chasing Samsung

Malcolm Weir Silver badge

Re: Apple excels in iterative technical improvements, and marketing

You are correct in that Apple is a technical marketing company more than a technical innovator.

I'm not so sure about the "easy to use" thing. That's been the mantra from many folks since the Mac launched, but over the past decade or so, I feel it's become more of an article of faith than an objective fact. As the article pointed out, many of Apple's "innovations" are not new to the market (e.g. I read the news about the iPhone's launch on my Nokia E61; came as a bit of a surprise to learn that the Nokia didn't have a proper web browser, it managed to properly render the news about the iPhone!!). Objective observers would agree that some of the iOS or MacOS ways of doing things are every bit as cryptic as those of their competitors, and in many cases it just comes down to personal preference which way is easier.

As to the finger print reader: yes, I appreciate my LG's reader for the same reasons you like your iPhones... but I prefer mine to be where LG put it (on the back) rather than where Apple wants in (on the front) -- I'd argue I can unlock my phone more easily with one hand than an iPhone owner could, but might be just my preference and habit and the way I hold it. For security, if I shut the thing down, you need a password for it to even boot, so I turn it off when concerned about that sort of thing.

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