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It took DEF CON hackers minutes to pwn these US voting machines

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Big John lives in a world of alternative facts, because actual facts have a liberal bias. He happily accepted Trump's word that no one in his campaign had any contact with Russians, and any story to the contrary was "fake news", until that was shown to be a lie. As the story has evolved time and again he's accepted their various "corrections" and claims of "fake news", until his own son publicly confirmed that he took a meeting for the express purpose of getting dirt on Hillary from Russians who had a goal of supporting Trump's campaign. How many times does Trump have to be exposed as a liar before one stops taking everything he says over the mainstream media, intelligence agencies, and even congressmen in his own party?

Since they can no longer claim there was no Russian collusion since his son admitted to it, now right wing nutjobs like him are trying to sell the story that Hillary Clinton colluded with the Russians to put them up to it - trying to turn the story around that "our collusion was only because we were fooled by Russians who were colluding with Clinton to bait us into collusion". Yes really, that's their latest story! In their world Hillary is responsible for everything, even their own lawbreaking.

When the special counsel eventually finds proof that Trump's businesses are up to their neck in Russian money laundering, which is why he's so terrified of the investigation, they'll find some way to blame their lawbreaking on Hillary, even though it goes back to long before she was SoS. They will be defending him even when he becomes the first sitting president to be impeached and removed from office.

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