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systemd'oh! DNS lib underscore bug bites everyone's favorite init tool, blanks Netflix

Lee D Silver badge

Because it's not systemd, it's PoetteringOS.

Rather than have a clearly defined system that relies on others, it chooses to just replace everything from login authentication to DNS lookup with broken implementations that can't handle underscores, or usernames that start with a digit (Hey, just "don't do that"!), and then gives away root or stops the DNS resolution entirely when there's a problem because it lacks any kind of designed failure path despite being a system critical service.

You do things the systemd way or not at all, don't you understand? I mean what kind of loser is going to run a critical Red Hat server that can't afford to give away root access or have its DNS resolution stop for no easily-discernible reason? God, anyone would think it was a server OS backed by a major company specialising in selling server OS, certifications on best practices, and commercial services.

This is feature creep of the HIGHEST ORDER, from "I'll fix init dependencies" to "what do you mean you don't want every DNS lookup going through root-owned code via the init processes?"

SystemD evangelists, please just sit down and think for a moment. Put the prejudices and your personal experience aside and just think. Why do you need a "systemd" DNS resolver? You don't. You can have it start up the resolver of choice of the user and use that instead. If it can't manage that, and get the order right so that when it needs to map network drives, etc. the DNS resolver is ready, then what happened to systemd's original purpose?

He's reinventing the wheel, again, badly, to solve a problem that shouldn't exist if his software did what was promised in the first place. "When things are hard to do using existing and mature software, write your own things to replace them, badly, just enough to do what you needed to do and then sod everyone else, Jack". It's the epitome of childish coding, and yet we still tolerate it.

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