Reply to post: Net neutrality? Thanks, Dubya!

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Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Net neutrality? Thanks, Dubya!

I sure can blame Obama for foisting NN on the nation with no real public debate,

You mean, except for the public comment periods, where the FCC received a record-breaking amount of feedback?

and certainly no legislative debate.

Some legislators have tried - for over a decade - but most of congress isn't interested in a debate.

Given that these new rules are by fiat only, Trump can get them ditched the same way. No case needs to be made beyond that.

The current situation is a result of years of legal battles with the ISPs, and since there are rules against the FCC making capricious changes to regulations, the FCC will have to show clear evidence that the current regulations are harmful before they'll be able to get any repeal through the courts.

And those years of legal battles that the FCC went through to be able to enforce net neutrality rules? That began under Bush Jr.

If you want to learn about the history of net neutrality, and how we got to this point, I recommend the recent podcasts:

Why is there a battle over net neutrality? and DTNS 3701 - The secret history of net neutrality

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