Reply to post: @LDS ... Re: "It's a statistical thing."

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Ian Michael Gumby

@LDS ... Re: "It's a statistical thing."

Here's a better example...

Suppose I can show you a Tablet of Ancient Sumerian text. I then show you a translation of the text.

Then we have 100's of people view both the text and the translation. They find nothing wrong.

Contrary, I show the text to two individuals who then say that the translation is wrong.

By your reasoning, 100 vs 2, you'd go with the 100 people. Yet the group of two actually know Sumerian. So what good is a number of eyes when they don't know Sumerian?

And that's the point. Your code is no better off when your set of eyes lacks the knowledge and skills to comprehend the material.

The danger is that this simple fallacy and assumption that just because you know how to crank out code, regardless of quality means you are capable of doing a proper code review.

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