Reply to post: Re: Basic accountancy problem

Guess who doesn't have to pay $1.3bn in back taxes? Of course it's fscking Google

Arthur the cat Silver badge

Re: Basic accountancy problem

So you want to move the tax burden even further from the corporates onto our own shoulders? That doesn't sound like a very good idea...

The incidence of corporation tax (and employers' NI here in the UK) falls mostly on the workers (and customers) anyway, that's standard economics(*). Abolishing corporation tax totally would be more honest about the realities of taxation, but completely unacceptable politically, because most people don't understand the difference between statutory and actual incidence of tax.

(*) In the UK & the EU. In the US more of the incidence is on the shareholders as US capital cannot be off-shored in the same way, because the US claims the right to tax foreign earnings before repatriation of the money. That's why Google, Apple, etc have off shore subsidiaries that "earn" the money for accounting purposes.

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