Reply to post: "The wheels on the bus go round and round"

New work: Algorithms to give self-driving cars 'impulsive' human 'ethics'

Clive Harris

"The wheels on the bus go round and round"

After watching that video, I tried the same experiment with my 4-year-old grandson. I didn't have a toy train or Lego people handy, so I improvised with a large wooden bus and four small toy cars. I lined up three of the cars in a row and a fourth car on its own to one side. I then explained to him that the bus was going to crash and had to hit one car, or group of cars. He carefully removed the car sitting on its own, explaining "That's MY car". He then ran the bus over the other cars, singing "The wheels on the bus go round and round".

Not sure what that proves, but I suppose a claim of ownership over one of the "victims" could tip the moral balance.

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