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Sysadmin bloodied by icicle that overheated airport data centre

nick turner

I think everywhere I've worked has had some sort of Aircon related disaster...

In my first job is was an outlet on a south facing wall. The outlet was in direct sunlight and one Friday evening apparently it got too hot and the system completely shut down. There was no remote monitoring and the first we noticed was on Monday morning coming in to do early morning checks and the server room was too hot for anyone to enter. Mostly because of the portaloo sized AS400 in there (which fortunately stayed up as no one knew where the 8" floppy was which was required to boot the bastard thing) The only casualties were a couple of Compaq towers.

Then there was the stockbrokers I worked for who's domain controllers were desktops sitting running from a 4way sitting under a drippy aircon unit...

Not to mention the major university I worked for which did a failover test of the datacenter (or as management dubbed it "The Computer Room") aircon which failed because some engineer or other had disabled the failover system during previous testing... Suffice to say there were a lot of people on site that weekend...

As for my current employer, our datacenter turned into a swimming pool when the building's chiller pipes sprung a leak. Fortunately in this case everything survived because of decent void space below the units. It could have been so much worse as the DC was is in a completely watertight subbasement and there could have been millions of liters of water!

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