Reply to post: Re: Harry, you're a beast!

Tesla, GitHub, tech bro VCs... Silicon Valley sexism row explodes as more women go public


Re: Harry, you're a beast!

@ BigJohn

I'm going to go with the following variation on your comment

Guys with lots of money end up with the expectation that (sexual targets) will be interested just because of money, and there are possibly some (sexual targets) that may decide to use that against them......

I'll allow that *not every single person* on this planet is *100%* honest in their actions. But really, with statistics we've got *now* we know that *males rape females* constantly, never mind using power to manipulate, catcalling, or other such dominance games.

It needs to change.

Hopefully the *social media giants* that have these issues have the resources, will and determination to address this. Socially. Loudly. Say, by banning Advertisers that misuse the inherent sexual dominance concept in western culture?

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