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Bonkers call to boycott Raspberry Pi Foundation over 'gay agenda'


"Oh and I hate the word tolerate. It indicates to me that something irritates you but you tolerate it."

For those in question, that's exactly what it is. You can't just ask someone to stop being irritated by something; it doesn't work that way. If you find a certain kind of music irritating, and someone suggested "stop being irritated by it" as a solution, it would be kind of senseless, right? You may be able to get used to it, maybe even develop a taste for it, but you can't just "decide" to stop being irritated.

You can, though, stop behaving as if you are irritated. They're asking for a change in behavior, which is something people can control. If enough people do that, the change in attitude will follow, in the same way that research has shown that smiling when you're down really does help improve the mood. Acting like something doesn't bother you over time results in the thing not bothering you as much... or at all, maybe.

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