Reply to post: Re: The problem with academic exercises in ethics

Why, Robot? Understanding AI ethics


Re: The problem with academic exercises in ethics

the problem is that you do not know that you have to hit one of them, but the AI does.

You will blindly hold on to the fact, if i break hard enough and swerve i will not hit anyone, whereas the AI knows it applies x amount of presure it will stop in distance Y, which means it will hit object A with force z or if it makes correction S it will hit object B with force z and based on probabilities hitting object A or B will reult in death.

now it has to make the least bad option, so it has to asign values to object A and B to decide whether it should take option 1 - do nothing hit object A, Option 2 Make adjustment S and hit object B, Option 3, make adjustment T and hit object C, or make adjustment U and Kill the occupant.

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