Reply to post: Re: Preemptive strike

Happy 4th of July: Norks tests another missile

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Preemptive strike

They do not need to nuke whole of USA. It was quite hilarious reading ANALists opinions about Kim's war games being severely limited as he has not mastered the reentry bit just yet. You do not need reentry to obliterate a high tech opponent in this day and age.

Two thermonuclear warheads. Small ones - a few 100Kt. One above eastern seaboard, 200km altitude, outside any currently existing defenses range, one above western seaboard. The result is no grid, no communications, fried ECUs on all vehicles and the whole country (except the Amish) immobilized to a halt.That is all it takes.

NK already has most of the tech for that so we might as well bite the bullet and deal with it.

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