Reply to post: Just like to point out..

Don't panic, but Linux's Systemd can be pwned via an evil DNS query


Just like to point out..

That while this bug sucks, it may not effect all users of systemd with those versions.

I have many systems running systemd and not one of them have systemd-resolver active. Thus, those systems are immune even though they are running an effected systemd version.

When running systemd there is no requirement to use systemd-resolver and typically you (or your distro) will need to manually enable it.

So before you panic run:

systemctl status systemd-resolved

If disabled you'll get one of two messages depending on distro:

$ systemctl status systemd-resolved

Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/systemd-resolved.service; disabled; v

Active: inactive (dead)


$ systemctl status systemd-resolved

Unit systemd-resolved.service could not be found.

If you get either of these responses, you're safe.

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