Reply to post: Re: European competition

Google hit with record antitrust fine of €2.4bn by Europe

heyrick Silver badge

Re: European competition

"Well, I have some web site at which can compete against youtube in technology."


Not really.

Browser: SLOW (webassembly missing => asmjs fallback used)

At which point your site tried to hit me with around 14MB of JavaScript. Two minutes later, was still waiting. I gave up. My rural broadband is pretty lame, but I ought to be able to pull 14MB much faster than that.

YouTube, in technology, doesn't complain that my browser doesn't support certain recent features - it still has Flash as a playback option if the HTML5 video isn't supported. It also gets itself going fairly quickly.

I also wonder how that site and its bandwidth would scale if there were twenty billion kitten videos and one Korean bloke that broke all the counters...

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