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PC rebooted every time user flushed the toilet

Alan Brown Silver badge

"Instead a name index was created which assigned an incrementing number to each new name as a substitute key for the data records. The search to get the number from the name index was automated by a clever use of self-modifying disk search commands. The disk controller either returned the number - or a "not found"."

One of the more clever tricks in this kind of thing is to increment by a prime number and set at least 2 keys based on parts of the name with different prime numbers assigned. The advantage was that you were less likely to have fewer increments before you found a blank spot (or the record you wanted) which was important in the days of floppy disk seeks.

Ah the days of having to have a large namespace (electronics parts catalogues) accessed on a small dataspace (floppy disks) - we revelled in the sheer luxury of a 5MB drive when it became available.

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