Reply to post: Re: 50 cases in the last 25 years

US voter info stored on wide-open cloud box, thanks to bungling Republican contractor


Re: 50 cases in the last 25 years

"Confirmed cases of electoral fraud in the UK are also several times more frequent than the claimed American level, with an electorate several times smaller. The UK Electoral Commission has some good statistics on it."

The statistics which show actual voter fraud by voters trying to vote multiple times is effectively zero? There's about 70 cases a year in the UK of people signing up to vote who are not permitted to do so; this is usually EU nationals living in the UK who are not aware that they aren't allowed to vote. That's about one person per million population.

Again, this is not a real problem and it has basically no impact on results, which is why Republicans are really, really hot on the issue until someone actually suggests an official investigation, which will come back reporting that it's not an issue and recommending that the voter suppression laws the GOP are constantly pushing for are dropped. This is not even a controversial point; Republican politicians have publicly admitted that this is what they're doing (in order to prove they're not attempting to disenfranchise people based on race, they said they were doing it to disenfranchise Democrats instead).

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