Reply to post: Re: Still driving?

Tesla death smash probe: Neither driver nor autopilot saw the truck


Re: Still driving?

The loss of a load of sensors and massive change in data from other surviving sensors didn't appear to trigger any sort of reaction.

From 13:36:12.7 (US Pacific time, so 17:36:12.7 local time) through 13:36:25.8 the car's data logging reports "Vehicle alert consistent with collision damage", and a number of sensor fault/sensor missing messages, including "Brake controller CAN node is MIA". So even if a brake command was issued, there would have been no response.

I wonder if one can design an emergency braking system for a fully electric vehicle such as a Tesla that can stop the car if for any reason the power fails. And does Tesla have a power-assisted mechanical steering linkage, or is that fully electrical as well leaving you at the mercy of Newton's laws?

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