Reply to post: Re: Venus is too nasty, Mercury too hot and the moons of Jupiter or Saturn too distant.

Elon Musk reveals Mars colony rocket capable of bringing pizza joints to the red planet

Infernoz Bronze badge

Re: Venus is too nasty, Mercury too hot and the moons of Jupiter or Saturn too distant.

We'd have to be quite insane to FUBAR Earth, because Earth is obviously the only planet in our solar system suitable for complex life! Making Technology critical for all survival is not a smart idea, because it can break, then everyone is dead!

Even a messed up Earth is probably far better than all the other planets in our solar system for habitation, because of its temperature ranges, natural resources, and atmosphere, and the Van Allen Belt and Ozone layer blocking deadly space radiation.

Even colossal disasters like 7 large space objects colliding with Earth oceans about 7 1/2 thousand years ago, so causing 5Km high tidal waves, weren't enough to kill off all life on Earth, because humans of many cultures passed down history of it, not just the Noah story.

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