Reply to post: Re: The problem with 360 VR

Virtual reality audiences stare straight ahead 75% of the time

Anonymous Coward

Re: The problem with 360 VR

> It seems like eg. an on-foot chase scene would be exceedingly tiresome to watch - having to keep glancing back to see where the chaser is, instead of having the camera keep doing that cut automatically for you as they do now...

Don't forget that the foot chase as featured in most 70's detective stories inevitably features a lithe, 19yo perp, more than able to give Usain Bolt a run for his money, versus a lardy detective - typically Frank Cannon[1]. Invariably the perp would set off at an enormous speed, build a huge lead, only to mysteriously lose it all simply by turning into a side alley[2] as the next edit would show the detective having nearly caught up.

[1] Cannon regularly did this. But even Ironside had one episode where he gave chase in his wheelchair.

[2] Said side-alley is also required to contain a pile of empty cardboard boxes to crash into and trash cans to pull over in front of the pursuers.

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