Reply to post: Re: Venus is too nasty, Mercury too hot and the moons of Jupiter or Saturn too distant.

Elon Musk reveals Mars colony rocket capable of bringing pizza joints to the red planet

Dave 126 Silver badge

Re: Venus is too nasty, Mercury too hot and the moons of Jupiter or Saturn too distant.

> Yebbut, how nasty does Musk think Earth will get to ever make Mars preferable?

A whopping great lump of rock hitting the Earth at a stupidly high speed is not only plausible, but considered nearly inevitable on a species-level time-frame.

Perhaps our nascent ability to move bigger bits of hardware around the solar system might allow us to counter such a threat before it hits our planet, but that still leaves many other threats to human life on Earth.

If one were to list them (okay, nuclear weapons, disease, depleting resources such as fertiliser, uncontrolled technologies etc etc) they might be accused of being all doom and gloom, but the point is that such risks can be addressed with positive action. Well, we might as well try, hadn't we?

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