Reply to post: Re: Bah!

Raspberry Pi sours thanks to mining malware


Re: Bah!

"What you are suggesting is to give up altogether and just resort to reactive security. Both approaches are needed."

No I'm not I'm suggesting that at the present time ( and for how much longer ) we still need to be very careful about security.

"Well, in future I'm going to ask any one I give a lift to whether they can drive or not. 'Can't drive - you're out of luck, can't come in my car'."

That's just nonsense. It's totally irrelevant most of the time if other occupants can drive or not but I'm guessing that you'll need one for quite a while.

"We can design machines where this is just not allowed and a whole large category of attacks goes away."

Well until we do and they become the norm it doesn't matter in the slightest.

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